Help Me, Google, Help, Help Me, Google!

I have two kids. One almost-two, very busy explorer, aptly named Scout, and one quite inquisitive, articulate, sometimes challenging and very excitable, six-year-old, named Sailor. Both girls and both thirsty for world experiences, even at their young ages. This worries me to a certain extent. None more so than the other day when Sailor hit me with some pretty big and hard-to-answer questions. In the space […]

The Family that Guilt Built

This week, I had totally planned to write about why my career as a supermodel never took off, but another topic just kept popping up in various conversations with friends, relatives and just random people I ran into and I figured it was a sign that shouldn’t be ignored! Or, was I feeling guilty that […]

Expect More than Just Changing Nappies after a Baby!

Sailor asked me to jump on the trampoline with her the other day. Grant was playing with Scout, so I agreed. It’s been quite some time since I’ve been on a trampoline. I started thinking about just how long as we were jumping and laughing… and then BOOM! A little bit of wee came out […]

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